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Monday, January 28, 2008

Taking Care of Business...

I've been giving this site a lot of thought lately... Mostly I've been wondering if I should be posting new mystery objects more frequently. In some ways it seems like maybe a week is too long - not enough change to keep people interested and coming back. But, everyone is busy, and posting new objects too frequently might cause people to fall behind and give up. What do you think? There's a poll at the top of the left hand column - take a minute and let me know what would work best for you.

Also, I was thinking that some of you might like to know when and where people have added comments, to make it easier to find them. If you'd like notification when the site has been updated in any way, please send an email to You'll receive, at most, one email per day letting you know what's happened. If nothing's happened, you won't get an email that day. Fair enough?

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